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Welcoming HYELM’s New Chief Executive

We are delighted to announce that Debra Ives has joined HYELM as our Chief Executive, starting her role on 30th September. Debra brings over 20 years of experience in housing and homelessness across London. She has held senior roles at Evolve Housing and Support and Hestia, where she led diverse...

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Meet James Harrington

Featured Image of Meet James Harrington

Since HYELM was founded in 1926, we have had the pleasure of supporting thousands of young people with a helping hand towards a better life, giving them more independence, safe and quality affordable homes and security at a critical time i...

Exciting Housing Opportunity for Key Workers

Featured Image of Exciting Housing Opportunity for Key Workers

We are thrilled to announce that starting this month, we are distributing flyers to local key worker employers and housing and advice offices to spread the word about our fantastic 2-bed flat shares designed specifically for key workers. ...

An Update On Our Old Street Refurbishment.

Featured Image of An Update On Our Old Street Refurbishment.

Residents will have noticed that over the past 2 years we have been making significant improvements to HYELM – Old Street’s apartments. Scheduling the renovations work floor by floor, to date 46 out of 105 apartments have been completed wi...

HYELM's Annual Report and Accounts Now Available Online

Featured Image of HYELM's Annual Report and Accounts Now Available Online

We are pleased to announce that HYELM's Annual Report and Accounts for 2023 are now available to view online. This report offers a comprehensive overview of our activities, achievements, and financial performance over the past year, reflec...

Are you eligible?

74 of the 125 bed spaces are reserved for key workers. If you are a key worker, you can find out more and register your interest using the London Mayor’s Share to Buy website.

To be eligible for one of the remaining 51 places, you must meet the following criteria.

Please select all that apply. 

You don't meet all our criteria, but we want to hear more from you. The next step is complete this short form.

Tell us more

You meet the eligibility criteria, the next step is to complete our application form to make sure we are a good fit and book a tour.

Apply now